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Hartford Courant Comment in forum written by former Police Commish Spada My Free Speech dot com post that Spada so hated, text cut and pasted and posted here:I emailed you creer bracelet pandora en ligne the bracelet pandora dormir avec text of a letter I sent to the USDOJ asking that the USDOJ webpage on Community Policing (COPS) be taken off the official Connecticut State Police website. It was a day before I was to be sentenced for pepper spraying a mugger. I knew that breloque pour bracelet pandora pas cher if a former fellow Rockville Judge, Jonathan J. bracelet collier homme or 60 pandora pour bébé Kaplan bracelet pandora bleue went ballistic on me, I’d know that you contacted Kaplan and were illegally colluding with him to railroad me to prison. I believe that is a felony that you committed among others. Mr. Sweat Pokemon Arthur L. chaine de securite pour bracelet pandora Spada didn’t you have chauffeurs haul you around at taxpayer expense Didn’t you falsify official records to hide tutorial bracelet pandora that you cordon bracelet pandora were stealing from taxpayers as you were being driven around to golf ranges An officer can be felony arrested for taking his cruiser home for lunch for the gas used. peluche pokemon Why shouldn’t you, Mr. Spada; be arrested for felony theft and fraud Why couldn’t you account for homeland security funds Who did more damage to bracelet pandora strasbourg the overall ethics of the Connecticut State Police, you bracelet pandora carpentras or Lee Mr. Spada, you had no police powers, yet you were pulling people over on the highway, what is up with that, shouldn’t photos bracelet pandora avec charms you have your ego checked for this:There are police collier homme menottes dinh van officer rumors that you were either a client or helped run a prostitution ring that ran out of the Webster theatre in Hartford to service cops, lawyers, prosecutors, and judges, is that true Was it called, collier homme hematite «Spada’s rub and tug» So, Mr. Spada, if you are felony arrested and convicted, should you be wearing the collier homme laiton GPS at home arrest bracelet If there is ever real justice in Connecticut and the State gets Un collier homme game of thrones Mobbed up, I feel you will bracelet pandora rose exemple have to pay the piper. custodia4cover I would like an answer from you in writing regarding my belief that you illegally put me in prison for my having proposed Civilian Oversight of Police, for my being critical of State Police in letters to the editor, for attempting to sue police for violating my civil bracelet pandora taille 15 rights, and konov bijoux collier homme for upsetting your inflated ego by complaining about you to Rowland’s former governor’s office My email address peut on changer fermoir bracelet pandora and mailing address can be found in post on lawyers, here:Mr. Spada, do you have the guts to answer idées bracelet pandora me honestlySteven G. Erickson Arthur L. Spada’s Hartford Courant piece: Change Parole Rules And Monitor Those Released Arthur L. cover iphone 6 6s plus Spada August 6, 2007 The Petit family tragedy is a metaphor for the pivotal failure of the Connecticut criminal justice system. iphone x xs hoesje Interlocking failures culminated in a night of terror orchestrated by recently vendre son bracelet pandora paroled Steven Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky. The amazon bracelet pandora argent use of bracelet pandora tigrou electronic ankle bracelets would have prevented this carnage. The federal government and many of our sister states now embrace the use of attached ankle bracelets for all released felons. t shirt pokemon Connecticut needs to adopt a similar program.


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